Archives pour la catégorie Musique

Still Living Creature & Me In The Bath – "Lift / Locked"

Lift / Locked

by Still Living Creature & Me In The Bath



Split album réalisé en avril 2011



Référence catalogue : 10464678


Pistes :

  1. Accurate Definition (Still Living Creature)
  2. Nowhere Crowd (Still Living Creature)
  3. Am I A Clown (Still Living Creature)
  4. Better (Still Living Creature)
  5. Up Down (Still Living Creature)
  6. Hey Johnny (Still Living Creature)
  7. Btriute (Still Living Creature)
  8. Out (Still Living Creature)
  9. Weird Feeling (Me In The Bath)
  10. Feeling Weird (Me In The Bath)
  11. Feeling Feeling (Me In The Bath)
  12. Weird Weird (Me In The Bath)
  13. Someawe (Me In The Bath)
  14. Candy (Me In The Bath)
  15. Nator Sucle (Me In The Bath)
  16. Uncle (Me In The Bath)




Nicolas Chartoire – "Xonot Babkat"

Xonot Babkat

by Nicolas Chartoire



Album réalisé en septembre 2010



Référence catalogue : 9931698

Pistes :

  1. OK For Me
  2. The Stars
  3. Another Day
  4. That Is Today
  5. Less And Less
  6. Not There
  7. The Spirit
  8. Final
  9. Concerned
  10. Seriously
  11. Space Curse
  12. The Bugs
  13. This Way
  14. The Music Industry
  15. Back In Town
  16. Does Matter
  17. Stop
  18. Turning
  19. Not OK



